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Sporting Clays

More than a century ago, shotgunners sought to duplicate their field shooting experiences on a controlled range to provide practice during the hunting off- season. From that quest, the modern game of Sporting Clays was born.  Sporting Clays was introduced to the United States in 1982 and Birds Landing Sporting Clays opened in 1987.  From our humble beginning on a 6-station course operated by a trapper and hand thrown machines, little did we know that Birds Landing was on the leading edge of what is now the fastest growing shooting sport in the US. Today, Birds Landing Sporting Clays has two-fully automated courses and a competition 5-Stand featuring over 30 shooting positions.

Sporting Clays is designed like a golf course and is often referred to “Golf with a Shotgun”.  Each station provides is own set of unique challenges as shooters will attempt to hit targets crossing from either side, coming inward, going outward, flying straight up, rolling on the ground or arcing high in the air.  From the single shooter to a large group, from the first-time shooter to the seasoned hunter, everyone has a chance to enjoy a variety of targets in a safe family friendly environment. The possible target presentations are limited only by safety considerations, the terrain, and the imagination of the course designer.

If you have never shot or do not have your own shotgun, no worries, the ProShop has you covered.  Shotgun rentals, ammunition, safety gear and instruction are all available when you visit.  Sporting Clays is a great activity for family and friends, literally it’s a blast.   Make your reservation and get ready for “Golf with a Shotgun” what could be more fun that?

Go Shooting!

Club Affiliates

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