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Club Rules and Regulations

Bird Member Rules

As a member, I will abide by all Policies, Rules and Regulations of Birds Landing Hunting Preserve and I understand and agree that Birds Landing Hunting Preserve guarantees the number of birds released but gives no guarantees of number of birds harvested. Furthermore, in signing, I fully understand and agree that I will not be refunded any money. I understand memberships are only transferrable based on the club’s legacy transfer policy.


Membership does not entitle member/guests to be released now or in the future from any loss of opportunity to hunt at Birds Landing Hunting Preserve, which includes but is not limited to, Acts of God, weather, regulatory changes by State, Federal or Local Government agencies, habitat management practices, or any changes to Birds Landing Hunting Preserve policies and or rules once the season has started.


In signing this application, I am acknowledging that I have received, read, and fully understand the Club policy and procedures and agree to abide by them.


1. Membership: Membership entitles you to access BLHP facilities and the ability to purchase birds for hunting. The terms of membership are on an annual basis, ending in April. Members pay for all birds released and harvested for all levels of membership. Guests must always be in the accompaniment of a current member.


2. Hours: Birds Landing Hunting Preserve will be open 5 days a week,7-4, closed on Monday and Tuesdays. Also closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Hours are subject to change based on seasons and demand.


3. Daily Sign in/Sign out: As required by law, each hunter entering the fields, must sign in and sign out. Hunters are required to be out of the fields no later than 3:30 pm.  All hunters must always have a valid California Hunting License with an Upland Bird Validation and field pass on their person.


4. Guests and Guest Fee: We encourage our members to bring guests. The best memories are made with family and friends! As a member you are responsible for your guest’s actions while they are hunting/shooting at Birds Landing. There is a limit of 3 hunting guests per member, per hunt. A facility Use Fee is required for all guests. As a member, it is your responsibility to ensure that your guest/s are familiar with the club rules which include but not limited to:

  • Guest Seasonal Use Fee of $ $50 a year

  • Guest daily use fee of $20.00 per guest/per visit

  • Any member’s spouse or children (20 & under) is included in the membership.

  • Guests must be always in the accompaniment of a current member.


5. Gun Safety: All firearms will be unloaded within 100 yards of all dwellings. No guns allowed in club house. Hunter safety rules will apply on Birds Landing Hunting Preserve properties.  No BB guns, air guns, or pellet guns allowed on the preserve. Be sure of your target.  Keep a safe distance between you and other hunters.  Remember accidents are caused, they do not happen.


6. Use of Alcohol: No alcoholic beverages permitted prior to, during a hunt, in the hunting field parking lots or on the sporting clays course.  Consumption of alcohol is not permitted beyond clubhouse area.  Alcohol and gun powder do not mix.


7.  Liability: All members, guests, and guardians over the age of 17 entering the field will be required to sign a release of liability waiver.


8.  Conduct: As a member you are obligated to continue the tradition of sportsmen like behavior and good manners while hunting/shooting at Birds Landing Hunting Preserve. When a bird is hit, stay with the dog until the bird is found. Leaving wounded birds without an honest attempt to find them, ground sluicing birds, discarding unwanted birds is strictly prohibited and will result in revoking your membership without refund.


All birds harvested must be checked into the club house and a DFW seal affixed to the bird.  Do not leave the club with unchecked birds.  Do not bring in wild birds taken during state season onto club property. Do not litter the parking lots, club house area or fields.  Pluck or draw birds in the field is strictly prohibited.

Please help us keep the facility pristine by picking up your spent shells and trash. 


All Fish and game laws are posted in the club house. The preserve will be patrolled by DFW wardens and BLHP management. Violators of State law will be prosecuted. Additionally, any person engaged in stealing or attempting to steal birds will be banned from the club and their membership revoked without refund.


9. Vehicles: All vehicles will park in designated areas. Vehicles are restricted to roads and parking lots only. Driving in the hunting fields is strictly prohibited. All vehicles must be parked in a designated parking area and absolutely no hunting from the road or your vehicle. Each member and guest agree to allow their vehicle to be searched by game wardens and/or BLHP management. Refusing permission to search vehicles will result in revoking of your membership without refund.

1o. Reservations: Please book online for fields during the hunting season. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. The maximum number of hunt dates you may reserve at one time is (3) three. Reservations may be made up too but no later than 36 hours prior to the requested hunt date.


Hunting at Birds Landing Hunting Preserve is by reserved fields. Whenever possible, we will place hunters in a requested field.  BLHP reserves the right to place hunters in any area at its own discretion. Members may be notified of the field designation change on the day of the hunt.


For Morning Hunts (8:00 am start time):

  • Hunters are required to stay in their designated field for the first two and a half hours. After two and a half hours, hunters can open roam provided that they are not interfering with someone else’s hunt.

  • Birds harvested above the reservation amount will have applicable fees applied.

  • Members upon signing in must talk with a BL representative and have field passes.   

  • When entering someone’s field to retrieve a downed bird and you bump another hunter’s bird in the process, it will be your responsibility to correct the situation, make good with the hunter(s) in that field. Remember they are your fellow members.


For Open Roam hunts:

  • Members upon signing in must talk with a BL representatives 

  • Birds harvested above the reservation amount will have applicable fees applied.

  • Limited to VIP memberships (9:30 to 3:30) – No release fees apply. Only pay for harvested birds at VIP rate.

  • General membership (10:30 to 3:30) – Min. 2 bird booking fee with each reservation plus any birds harvested above the booking fee.

  • At any time while free roaming you see BLHP staff releasing birds in an area; know that it is a custom plant; therefore, you must stay out of that field.


For Checkered flag hunts (12:30 to 3:30 time):

  • Members upon signing in must talk with a BL representatives 

  • Minimum 3 bird release is required.

  • Limited to VIP, Trial memberships only and Chukar packages


11. Cancellations: All cancellations must be made within 24 hours of a scheduled hunt to receive a complete refund. If you have a scheduled hunt and fail to show, there will be no refund.


12. Smoking: Certain times of year the fire danger is extremely high, take caution when smoking in the field. You are responsible for any damage from a fire you create.


13. Dogs: Dogs are required to hunt at BLHP. Uncontrollable dogs chasing birds between fields or off preserve property will not be tolerated. No more than 4 hunters over one dog. You must keep all birds your dog catches.


No dogs are allowed in the clubhouse and should be “Aired Out” away from the Clubhouse area. Please always keep all dogs on a leash when not hunting. You are responsible for cleaning up after your dogs. Each hunter is responsible for what their dog does. When entering an adjacent or occupied field to retrieve a downed bird, contact hunters in that field, leash your dog to point of mark, upon retrieve re-leash your dog and return to your assigned field. Dog rentals and handlers are available upon request. 


14. HUNTING AREAS: All hunting areas will be marked and identified. Hunters must remain in their assigned area … Shooting birds along roads is unsafe and is not permitted. Club boundaries and safety zones must be observed. No shooting is permitted within any No Hunting Zone. State law prohibits shooting over roadways and railways.  Blaze orange is required in the field and is satisfied with either a vest or cap. Be seen, more Blaze is Better.


15. Fog Delays: It is common practice for Birds Landing Hunting Preserve not to release birds when extreme fog conditions exist. If you are at the facility for your scheduled hunt and prior to releasing birds there is a fog delay, you may choose to wait and continue with your scheduled hunt only when BLHP management deems it safe to hunt.


There will be no hunting when fog is dense (enough to be unsafe). If fog comes in while in the field, unload your gun and leave the             field.


16. Ammo: Non-toxic ammunition is required for all hunting in California. Hunters using 12ga ammunition, for everyone’s safety, 3 or 3 ½” shells are not allowed. You are responsible for understanding DFW and BLHP Ammunition policies.


17. Legacy Clause: BLHP will allow the transfer of membership to immediate family (spouse or children) for a one-time transfer fee of $200.  Annual pricing will be maintained based on the initial purchase of membership.  

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